How to Call on Your Work Ethic to Cultivate Creativity and Inspire Content Creation
Cultivating creativity takes dedication, persistence, and a lot of hard work. When creating is part of your job (I see you, social media content), we can’t afford to just sit around waiting for inspiration to strike us–we have to work for it. But how? In this blog we’ll explore how you can nurture your own creativity by calling on your work ethic to help you get inspired and get it done!
Work ethic refers to a set of values, goals, and good old fashioned grit that brings us from the ideas stage into reality. When you started your business, it took a heaping dose of work ethic to make your dream a reality. That same dreamy and determined attitude is required any time you’re creating anything. Tapping into your work ethic will help you stay disciplined and committed to doing the work even when you don’t feel like creating or inspiration is being evasive. Work ethic also means you take responsibility for your work and are always trying to improve and learn–go you!
How is creativity work ethic?
Have you ever stared at a blank page, canvas, or canva document and then gave up and walked away? While sometimes my advice is to take a break and come back later when you’re feeling more inspired, we don’t always have the time or opportunity for that. Creativity isn’t just a sudden burst of inspiration–it’s a process that requires discipline and dedication. By tapping into our work ethic to cultivate creativity we become more focused on finding solutions to creative problems and don’t stop until we do the work to make it happen.
Creativity takes time & effort. You have to be ready to push past moments where you don’t feel inspired and figure out how to unleash your creativity in a way that helps you get the work done! For me, I often need to shake off some hyper-focused energy and loosen my brains by taking a walk, doing a quick chore, or otherwise trying to shake things up to give myself a fresh start.
It can be tempting to give up or accept a half-assed solution. Sometimes, that’s okay! But when it comes to marketing your business, giving up isn’t an option. Too many businesses are sacrificing their public image because their social media presence, website, or emails are uninspired and directionless. If you don’t have creative energy left over for content creation after running a business all day, congratulations you’re a human being! Here are some ways you can cultivate creativity faster & more reliably by using the work ethic you already have:
Set aside time for creative work. Give your creativity a chance by making the space and time to focus on creating, whether it’s social media content, a creative business project, or making art. The time you invest in creativity will repay you in so many aspects of your life, I guarantee it!
Be disciplined. Give yourself a structure and schedule for creating and stick to it! The more you get in the habit, the easier it will be.
Stay open and curious. Closed, rigid minds aren’t good for creative thinking. Loosen things up by practicing being out of your comfort zone, learning new things, and exploring new ideas. You might even live longer (and better) by approaching life with curiosity, openness, and a little optimism.
Embrace failure. Take risks and try new things! Failure is an essential part of the creative process, so don’t be afraid of it. Keep learning, keep trying. Our “failures” are opportunities to learn and improve. Dust yourself off and try again.
There’s no avoiding it–creativity is work ethic, plain and simple. When you have the right mindset, dedication, and structure, you can unlock creative potential and get unstuck faster and with better results. Now get out there and do the work to tap into your creativity!